Username: dinky1993

Iam honest and genuine expect the same back in return like it used to be on hear but now way 2 many scum bags i will just block dreamers because i live in the real world not giving a 5k car for a 500 qiud car how dose that make sence if u cant afford my items find a job instead of sitting smoking crack and a deal is a deal with me if we deal then thats it done iam not a trader or a wannabe iam not going to give u a warrenty cars are sold as is but my cars are always as advertised i will state always about hpi and faults but u see i make sure my cars are perfect before i pass them on to the next chap expect the same back and if u have no mot and it will fly threw do it then because without a mot i will not touch it ever HAPPY SWAPPING GUYS GREAT DEALS AHEAD

Member since: Sep 25, 2013 Last site visit: May 16, 2024 Right now:  Offline

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